This is a well-known veggie dish in Indonesia. Not so much here in the States. It's been a longgggg time since the last time I cooked this dish so when I saw it at the Farmer Market I quickly bought it. It taste soooo good unlike the regular On Choy that I bought at Supermarket. So the following week I went back to the seller to confirm if it's really On Choy.
Me: "What is the name of this vegetable?"
Seller: "On Choy"
Me: "But it's so good. Is it different kind of On Choy?"
Seller: "It's On Choy"
Me: "Really? How come it's smaller and not hard?"
Seller: "It's On Choy"
I am not making this up. My hubby must be very glad that he wasn't there. Anyway, this is the On Choy I bought from the Farmer Market:
The branch got hole
Some people slice up the main branches and cook them too. I don't like it because it's too tough to my taste so I just use the leaves and the smaller branches:
The ingredients: the mushroom is optional. I just happened to have them in the fridge so I thought I throw them in there
The result:
Time to dig in and enjoy
Stir-Fried Water Spinach/ On Choy
1 bunch of water spinach
1 tomatoes
3 tablespoons oil
2 tablespoon of anchovies
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
Salt, pepper, and sugar - as prefer
1/3 cup of water
Minced ingredients:
1 Thai chili
4 shallots
3 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon dried shrimp paste (or
'terasi' in Indonesian; found at Asian Supermarket)
Cut up the water spinach/ On Choy's
leaves and smaller branches, rinse
Heat the pan, add the oil, when the
oil is hot, add anchovies and the minced ingredients, cook 'till fragrant
Add the tomatoes, water spinach/ On
Choy, water, oyster sauce, salt, pepper, and sugar
Mix with wooden spatula, cover the
pan, and cook 'till the On Choy is soft